Evolution to the
Next Phase

my vision

Make a difference to the individual, organization, and ecosystem.

my mission

To support & develop individuals, organisations and ecosystems through board advisory, strategic consulting & program delivery; explore ideas for change & , innovation with social impact.


Ethical, purpose driven collaboration unlocks potential in people & organisations.


A mentor to many in their strenuous struggles


Shaping organizations filled with integrity, empathy and purpose

∞ Opportunities

Shared the success journey of people and organizations

Collaborate with me
Coming together is a beginning

Do you think
you have
the tenacity
To Learn?

Learning is an often overlooked virtue of life. It takes perseverance, willingness, and a keen eye to learn every moment because when you know better, you do better. If you think you are an avid learner, then let’s collaborate and together explore new ideas and unleash value in distinct ways. Join me as I take you through my journey of becoming a pioneer.


Nudging the Primitive in us

Aren't we all primitive in one way or another? The fire to find your way when everything else signals you to stay bundled up in your comfort zone. Taking that social and financial risk by ignoring convention and listening to our inner voice is a primitive mindset. It has a great significance in work and life, and I keep it flared up all the time. Do you?


Stories That interest me

Which touch our hearts and bring about lasting change Nudge the Primitive in Us – the dreamer with the fire to walk the untrodden path or just to do things differently within your world. The courage to march to your own drummer.  


Corporate lessons revisited

Join me in learning from my life-lessons  about strategy (customer-focused, with innovative solutions, rooted in business acumen); driving results across boundaries &through change & building capacity with people, process, systems.  Learn to create a business culture that is diverse, inclusive, empathetic, sustainable and economically successful.

What caught my attention